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[dropcap]H[/dropcap]imalayan Arabica Nepal Specialty Organic Coffee has been awarded as the Best Gourmet Coffee of 2016, Produit Gourmet 2016 in The 2nd International Contest of Coffee Roasted in their Countries of Origin organized by The Agency for the Valorization of Agricultural Products (AVPA) in Paris, France on 1st July 2016. HimalayanArabica® Nepal Specialty coffee has been recognised for Superior Taste and Flavour.
[/cs_text][x_blockquote cite=”AVPA – Paris, Press Release” type=”left”]24 countries participated in this competition. From the least known! Without reasonable doubt Nepal. To the prominent participants! Latin American countries were greatly represented. [/x_blockquote][cs_text]Mr. Philippe JUGLAR, president of AVPA “congratulated all Nepalese people and the team of Greenland Organic Farm Nepal for their hard work and skills to be put/implemented to produce such a great coffee”[/cs_text][cs_text]Our team of Greenland Organic Farm would like to thank our amazing staffs and farmers who did an exceptional job from harvesting, processing to its fermentation and roasting which were really controlled. We are also thankful to our wonderful customers! [/cs_text][cs_text]Our promises to produce even better crop next year continues…
Thank you, everyone!
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